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Supporting Description
Features Section
Supporting Description
The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)
115 Broadway 8th Floor, New York, NY 10006
Boston Museum of Science
Museum Of Science Driveway, Boston, MA 02114
San Diego Fleet Science Center
1875 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101
Explore our vast collection of AI resources and literature to support your mental
✓ Access cutting-edge AI tools and
✓ Discover a comprehensive archive
What is the purpose of this
This website serves as an archive of AI resources and literature for individuals experiencing specific psychological illnesses and crises.
How can this website help me?
This website provides a wide range of resources and literature on psychological illnesses and crisis support, utilizing AI tools to enhance mental
Who is the target audience for this website?
The target audience for this website includes individuals interested in AI tools, psychological illnesses, mental health resources, literature on psychology, and
How many resources are available on this
This website offers a comprehensive collection of resources, including AI tools, psychological literature, and support
How can I access the resources on this website?
All resources on this website are freely accessible. Simply navigate through the different sections and explore the available content.
Can I contribute to this website?
Currently, contributions to this website are not open to the public. However, you can contact us if